Many indeed see America as the home of free minds, but this is far from the truth. Only a few opportunists, those who do not understand what freedom is, and many who lack discipline and choose to practice Anyhowism still think the US is the home of free minds.

One among many reported afflictions done on Africans in America, mostly in the South is the story of Doctor James Marion Sims. In the late 18th century James Marion Sims whom Americans today call the father of modern Gynaecology was reported to have used enslaved black women as an experiment in studying the female reproductive organs.
Sim carried out many of his experiments on Enslaved Africans in Americans without Anastasia as he believes that Africans do not experience pain.
According to Harriet Washington, a medical practitioner, says Sims’s racist beliefs affected more than his gynaecological experiments. It was also on record that, before and after the infamous gynaecological experiments by Sim, he had also tested surgical treatments on enslaved African children in an effort to treat Neonatal Tetanus —with little to no success. Sim also believed that African Americans were less intelligent than white people, and thought it was because their skulls grew too quickly around their brain, hence, he would operate on the brains of African children using a shoemaker’s tool to pry their bones apart and loosen their skulls.
Sim’s acts against Africans in America are well documented on record. Many of the lineage of those he inflicted this upon have expanded to be the Black in America today.
On the flip side are also records of how America has benefitted hugely from African, mostly in medical research.
THE HELLA CELL, discovered in 1951 is the alleged exploitation of African American woman, Mrs Lacks. The human cell that never died, is the story of a 32 years old, young mother of five, Henrietta Lacks, the African woman in America whose cells never died, kept at the John Hopkins medical research institute since 1951, and used to this day for medical research on Cancer, Polio,Covid-19 etc.

Africans in America did not only made huge impact in the American sciences, they also helped to strengthen the American financial Institution.
Around 1890, Africans owned Banks in America. A typical example was the bank built by William Pettiford, the Alabama Penny Savings Bank. This was the first black-owned, self built bank in Alabama, USA. The bank helped Africans in America in raising funds, access to loans, construction of homes at the time many Africans in America could not afford a roof over their heads, and churches for thousands of local black citizens.
We can go on and on in detailing many effort the Africans in America made and their well documented contribution in building America. The most devastating aspect in all of these was how America sabotaged the effort of Africans to be self reliance.

Aside the NOI establishment in the 50s, where Black Muslims were taken cared of, most recent after was In the late 60s when the Black Panther party movement created institutes for Blacks to freely access, from free Education to Free Healthcare, and many more, in a bid to be self dependent.

Free Health care for all Black people in America, free Education, and further provided security to protect black people mostly against racist police in America. But what did America do to the leadership of this movement and the institutions they freely built for their people?

The US is presumed to be the only country in the world that has ever bombed its own, those she calls her citizens. A race of people who were enslaved, and after abolishment of slave trade, chooses to be self reliance as against the capitalistic US state.

More than thrice on record, Africans in America had built an economic structure by themselves, established their own businesses and banks that the Cities they settled in became one of the fastest growing economy in the US with high revenues generated.
What did the US do instead? It was on record that they either blew up these black communities or caused crisis between race that eventually lead to genocide or mass arrest of Africans in America, many of which are still in prison till this very day.
First, happened in 1906 in Atlanta Georgia, known as the Atlanta Race Massacre which was majorly due to increase in Africans in America population and umber of African eleites and working class as against the Whites.
Second record of this was in 1921 called The Tulsa Massacre of Africans in Greenwood now called Black Wall street. The case is still on till today, it was the most devastating of all, so gruesome that many termed this as racial cleansing.
The third on record happened in 1985 in the city of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. It is known as the 1985 MOVE BOMBING, a day the residential homes of Africans in America residing in Philadelphia was bombed reportedly by the Philadelphia Police Department, targeting where members of the Black liberation advocacy group MOVE lived.
Let no one fool us as Africans anymore, all we demand is for us to be truly free from the knees the Imperialists placed on our necks. We are asking for the boots to be taken off our chest for us as Africans to self develop without any fear of repression by America or any of its allies.
It is enough that the worst of us has been left to control the rest of us, that can be dealt with as we have come to the realization of our way out of this systemic mess we find ourselves in.
After reading this, the next time any African for once think that we as African people could not have done anything by ourselves should be the last time we by ourselves display ignorance deliberately.
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