Black History

The Iron Muzzle – Metal Mask Worn By Slaves

During the slave trade, between 1700-1800, the Iron Muzzle was introduced to further restrict slaves in different forms and for different reasons. The introduction of this device was said to be one of the most horrific experiences of African slaves. The Iron Muzzle also called the medieval Metal torture masks, were sometimes used to restrict movement, prevent rest, and deter slaves from attempting to escape. This mask is made with a flat iron piece which would suppress the tongue, thereby preventing the wearer from voicing, swallowing, eating, or drinking.

Oftentimes, Slave Masters would punish slaves by whipping, raping, and sexually abusing Slaves. As punishment, slave masters would use iron muzzles to prevent their slaves from eating. They were often forbidden from eating the produce from the plantations they farmed. 

In most cases, a typical illustration of the even that leads to this barbaric act is when persons being held as slaves were accused by their masters of insubordination, or of eating more than their allotment of food, they might expect to be fitted with an iron muzzle. 

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