Man mistaken for Sam larry

Man Mistaken for Sam Larry Cries Out for Safety

A man who closely resembles Sam Larry, the popular music promoter, has raised concerns over his safety as he has been continuously mistaken for the marlian music promoter.

Sam Larry, who is currently in hiding from the public following his alleged controversial role in the recent death of artist Mohbad, has been a topic of interest in the media.

However, the man who looks like him has been caught up in the frenzy and is now afraid for his life.

In an exclusive video on YabaleftOnline on their X (Twitter) page, the man, whose identity has been withheld for security reasons, narrated his ordeal. He revealed how he has been mistaken for Sam Larry on several occasions, and it has caused him great concern.

“People have been accusing me of being Sam Larry. They stir at me on the streets. I have been stopped by policemen while driving and asked for my ID just because they think I am him. It’s a scary situation,” he said.

The man also disclosed that he has been forced to carry an ID card with him to prove his identity. “I cannot walk around without my ID card, and I have to show it to anyone who stops me. It’s like I’m living in fear for my life.”

The man has openly disclosed that he is not Sam Larry. Watch the video below:

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