Chad presidential campaign

Chad’s Interim President Launches Presidential Campaign Amid Democratic Concerns

Chad’s interim President, Mahamat Idriss Deby, has launched his presidential campaign for an election next month to end three years of military rule. Deby’s government, one of several juntas that have seized power in West and Central Africa since 2020, has faced concerns of a democratic backslide.

Chad is the first of these to organize elections despite regional and international pressure to hand power back to civilians. Deby’s government initially promised a return to civilian rule within 18 months, but the delay triggered protests that were violently quelled by security forces.

Deby confirmed his intention to run at the start of March, following the death of opposition politician Yaya Dillo in an exchange of gunfire with security forces. The first round of voting is scheduled for May 6 and the second round on June 22, with provisional results due on July 7. Deby’s plans include modernizing agriculture, boosting industry, building more paved roads, and providing reliable electricity.

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