Saulos Klaus Chilima
FILE PHOTO: Malawi's Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima arrives at a polling station in Lilongwe, Malawi May 21, 2019 in this still image obtained from REUTERS TV video. REUTERS TV/Eldson Chagara/via REUTERS

Malawi Vice President’s Aircraft, with Nine Others, Reported Missing

Malawi’s Vice President, Saulos Klaus Chilima, and nine others have disappeared from an aircraft that was carrying them. The plane, departing from Lilongwe, the capital, was expected to land at Mzuzu Airport at 10:02 a.m., as per Malawi’s Office of the President and Cabinet.

Despite several efforts made by aviation authorities to reach the aircraft after it disappeared from radar, no contact has been established thus far. Chilima, who was apprehended in 2022 on corruption charges, was viewed as a potential candidate in the upcoming presidential election.

Nevertheless, a Malawi court dismissed the corruption accusations against him last month after the director of public prosecutions requested the case be dropped. Chilima has refuted any allegations of misconduct.

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