Afro NuggetBlack History

The Story Of Joseph Amameiye, Dr Oyenusi’s Ally

This is a brief story about the Execution of Joel Amamieye, a grim moment in Nigerian history, barely a Year After the Civil War – 1971.
At the Bar-Beach in Victoria Island, a photograph captures Joel Amamieye, a key figure in the infamous “Dangerous 7” gang led by the notorious thief, Dr. Ishola Oyenusi. With a smile on his face and a reverend father praying by his side, Joel faced his imminent execution with an unusual calmness.
Moments before his death, Joel Amamieye uttered his last words with a smile: “I had no regret for stealing from the rich and giving back to the poor with my good friend and boss and brother Dr. Ishola Oyenusi, a good man. Tell my generation to come that I had served my country as l had no record of killing any poor people except the cruel police who blocked our ways from delivering our daily job, which is giving to the poor. I’m glad and proud of my job as there will never be people like us who stand against the politicians who stole mostly from the poor with a biro.”
Joel Amamieye and Dr. Ishola Oyenusi became infamous for their daring robberies, which they justified as a form of wealth redistribution. Their audacious acts and open defiance of authority made them folk heroes to some, and villains to others. They targeted the rich and powerful, and their
confrontations with law enforcement were legendary.
His statement about politicians stealing from the poor with a pen resonated with many, pointing to the pervasive corruption and exploitation that plagued Nigeria.
This execution at Bar Beach was part of a broader effort to clamp down on criminality and restore public confidence in the rule of law. The public executions served as both a deterrent and a grim reminder of the state’s power.
The story of Joel Amamieye and the “Dangerous 7” continues to be a compelling chapter in Nigeria’s history, symbolizing the complex interplay between crime, justice, and social inequality.
Joel Amamieye’s execution remains a controversial and captivating story, shedding light on the turbulent period of Nigeria’s history and the enduring issues of inequality and corruption.

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