Afro Nugget


To know if you love Africa, first, we need to establish that it is not by charity. Giving charity to Africa or donating funds as a charity, does not mean you love Africa. Charity is good for developed countries, but may directly or indirectly undermine the economic growth of a developing country. Africa needs to create sustainable institutions. If you must give to Africa, you must do this by either building or supporting institutions that benefit African people without expecting any profit.
To know if you love Africa is knowing if you love African People. Loving African people, and putting African first is a fundamental act of Pan-Africanism. To Love Africa is to represent Africa at your very best, in all ramification wherever you may find yourself on the face of the planet.
To say you love a Lady you are interested in getting married to, you would almost know everything about her in other for you to convince her. You can not say you love her if you know nothing about her. You will do anything in your power, do research about her and her family to be certain you are making the right decision for a lifetime partner.
If you can go through this length to show your love to a Lady, how much more your continent where you hail from?
Same way, you can not say you love African people if you know nothing about African people. And if you do not know or not interested to know anything about African people and their true history, then you are an enemy of Africa. That you were born in Africa or from Africa does not make you a true African. According to Kwame Nkrumah, you are African not because you were born in Africa but because Africa was born in you.
Most of the African Rulers, professionals and Bourgeoisies of Africa are the most corrupt in the world. These set of individuals may hail from Africa, and yes they are Africans but that does not make them Pan-Africanists and if you are not a Pan-African, then you are an Anti-African.  No grey area, you can’t be in the middle, you are either hot or cold, good or bad, no neutral ground for any African when it comes to being there for African people.
If you say you love your people you would be interested to know everything that has to do with your people.
If you love your people, you must aspire to learn and know reasonably the history of your people.
If you love your people you must be a part of an organization fighting for the social-economic development of your people.
On this basis, it is important to establish that all Pan-Africanists are Africans, but not all Africans are Pan-Africanists, neither are all Africans truly Africans.

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