Black History

Alice H. Parker’s Innovative Impact on Central Heating Technology

 Alice H. Parker’s Innovative Impact on Central Heating Technology
HVAC fun fact: Alice H. Parker... - E&J Heating & Cooling | Facebook
In the early 20th century, households depended on burning coal or wood for heating. However, this approach had notable disadvantages, as warmth was concentrated near the fireplace, leaving the rest of the space chilly. On December 23, 1919, Alice H. Parker transformed home heating by securing a patent for the first furnace powered by natural gas, designed for residential and commercial use.
Parker’s ground-breaking furnace functioned by pulling in cold air, warming it, and distributing the heated air throughout the building using a network of air ducts. Her pioneering design included individually controlled ducts, ensuring even heat distribution across different areas of a home or office. This invention was a major milestone in the development of the central heating systems that keep us cozy and warm today.

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