Afro NuggetBlack History

Joseph Kasavubu’s Role In The Death Of Patrice Lumumba

The War in the DRC had been for over 30 years, particularly the Eastern Block. Goma and the entire Eastern DRC have not known peace since the Belgian King Leopold and the Belgians invaded. Leopold’s role alone was just the beginning, Kasavubu and Mobutu’s roles sealed the fate of the Congolese people to this day, as the Congolese looked away.
Before Mobutu Sese Seko, there was Joseph Kasavubu who was the president at the time Lumumba was the Prime minister. Lumumba was liked by the people as he spoke openly against imperialist control, asking them to vacate from DRC. Kasavubu, a stooge of the West became jealous and attempted several times to illegally push for the impeachment of the country’s elected prime minister, Patrice Lumumba. In fact, it was Kasavubu that was used by the west to impeach Patrice Lumumba, after which Mobutu who was his pal got him arrested, and eventually murdered. In all of these incidents, the role the mass people of Congo played was being hypocritical and cowardice as they could not in mass stand by Lumumba.
Patrice Lumumba would have escaped, but he trusted that his people will protect him, but got disappointed as his people looked away, and allowed Kasavubu and Mobutu have their way. He gave himself to be captured by the enemies after he heard of his wife and children arrest by the Mobutu led forces.
Most Revolutionaries that were captured and murdered in cold blood, could have actually escaped, but some of them trusted in their people who choose to look away.

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