Happy International Women’s Day To AAC Revolutionary Women
Happy International Women’s Day to all our esteemed women comrades of the @AAC @TIBMovement. Thank you for keeping the struggle alive for a greater and better Nigeria. You’re all the real MVPs.
Just to remind you that you are on the right path of history, kindly permit me to compare you with Women of the Black Panther Liberation Party movement of the 60s and even better.

A key objective of the Black Panther Party of the 60s is to organize, make the unconscious conscious, and protect their communities.
What many don’t know then was that 66% of its members were all females and these amazing women were the power house of the party. They were revolutionary who worked with anybody they felt was sincerely trying to change the system to benefit poor people and the oppressed.
In fact, according to Angela Davies, one of the BPLPM leaders, the organising work that truly made the Black Panther Party relevant to a new era of struggle for liberation of African people was largely carried out by the women.” The success of the party was largely played out by its women.

They were so organized, conscious, and powerful that Hoover, the then head of FBI, labelled them as the greatest threat. They protected their communities, fed the hungry, and treated the sick.
Just like the AAC, they were for warefarism and approached their communities scientifically with the pan-Africanist, socialist ideology.
Thank you for all you do for us all, thank you for speaking up unequivocally for the oppressed. Thank you for standing firmly against injustices. We definitely know that We can not continue like this. One day this Table will Turn, and the masses of our people will Take back what is theirs.
Once again, #HappyInternationalWomensDay
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