Black History

A Brief Story On Kwame Ture, aka Stokely Carmichael

 Here is a Brief Story on Kwame Ture aka Stokely Carmichael, one of the members of the Civil Rights Movement, Black Leader, and Pan-Africanist.
Stockley Carmichael who was later referred to as Kwame Ture, upon changing his name after relocating to Guinea, was a central figure in the civil rights movement and a primary supporter of black power, born in Trinidad and Tobago in 1941 and brought up in the Bronx, in New York.
He became engaged in the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee ‘SNCC’ during the 1960s as SNCC’s chairman he propagated the concept ‘Black power’ in 1966, focusing on Black self reliance and dignity.
His notions shifted the movement towards a more assertive standpoint, later he relocated to Guinea, took on the name Kwame Ture and preached Pan Africanism until the end of his life in 1998.
His legacy continues to impact dialogues on racial justice and international unity.

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