Black History

Dark Chapter Of Congo: The Tragic Assassination Of Lumumba

The Tragic Assassination of Patrice Lumumba is one of the Darkest chapters in Congo’s History.
This was one of the most brutal executions in history. On February 13, 1961, the world learned of Patrice Lumumba’s death.
We have published several stories on how Lumumba fought for Congo’s true liberation before his arrest. At the time, his fate remained unknown—until the shocking announcement of his death.
The official account claimed he had escaped and been killed by villagers, but the truth was far more horrifying. Lumumba had actually been murdered 27 days earlier. He was brutally beaten—so severely that his teeth were knocked out—then, along with his loyal allies Joseph Okito and Maurice Mpolo, tied to a tree and executed by firing squad.
Even in death, they were not allowed peace. Days later, their bodies were exhumed, dismembered, and dissolved in acid to erase all traces of their existence. Belgian officials even kept some of his bones and teeth as macabre souvenirs. Meanwhile, Belgium denied involvement, and Mobutu Sese Seko’s puppet regime took control.
But despite their efforts to erase him, Lumumba’s name endures. His assassination remains a dark shadow over Congo’s history, a reminder of the price he paid for his country’s freedom.

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