
Denmark Changes Diplomatic Focus In Africa

A few days ago, 26th of August 2024, Denmark announced plans to shut down its Embassies in Burkina-Faso and Mali. However, Denmark said its intends to open three new Embassies in Senegal, Rwanda, and Tunisia. This is part of its new strategy in Africa, which includes appointing special representatives for the Sahel and the Great Lakes region of the continent. Denmark also intends to strengthen its presence within Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana.
Burkina Faso and Mali have both had anti-imperialist coups, ushering in revolutionary governments that have commenced decoupling from the Western sphere of influence. Around August 9th, Mali expelled the ambassador of Sweden, another Northern European country – after Stockholm threatened to stop aid to Mali for geopolitical reasons (linked to Bamako’s break in diplomatic relations with Ukraine). The two Sahelian countries, along with neighbouring Niger, have preferred to work with countries such as Russia and Iran over countries in the West.
The Danish Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen made it known that Denmark is seeking to increase European appeal within Africa – in a bid to curb Russian and Chinese influence. He stated, “We have a clear interest in the African countries looking towards us in Europe as they chart the course for their future.”

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