Mali has Officially Removed French Lang. as its Official language.
Apart from Mansa Musa being from Mali, who happens to be the wealthiest man that ever worked on planet earth, Mali used to be known to be the land of Scholars beyond its vast mineral resources.
University of Timbuktu in present day Mali was the first and oldest university in the world. Unfortunately, that part of its history is gradually being wiped out. Now that Mali took a bold step as if French being its official language is the major problem, I asked, what language will Malians adopt?
I hope not Arabic. I have shared here before that prior to European slave trade, there was first Arab invasion; Mauritania, present day Morocco was islamized by the Syrians, a ruler in Damascus, the original people of Morocco, the people of Mauri and Barbers were enslaved, race almost wiped out. Those who became Moroccans today invaded Timbuktu, destroyed it’s institution, beauty & history b4 Europeans, France, further enslaved and dehumanized them ~OIA