Black History

Meet Kwame Nkrumah The Father Of Pan-Africanism

At least one street in all 54 African countries should be named after Kwame Nkrumah. If you know nothing about Nkrumah, know this: Kwame Osagyefo Nkrumah is not just the first Prime minister and first president of Ghana; Nkrumah is the first known African statesman, father of African Nationalism, and modern Pan-Africanism. He was the first among many African leaders to take the bold step of requesting African independence. Upon securing independence for Ghana, he inspired other African leaders to do the same. Nkrumah still did not end it there; he had plans for Africa.
Nkrumah pushed for Pan-Africanism, and hence, he was called the father of African Nationalism and Pan-Africanism. In his words, you are not African because you were born in Africa; you are African because Africa is born in you.
Upon his exile from Ghana as the Ghanian military took over government, influenced by the Imperialists, Nkrumah was the first in Africa to unveil, speak about the Neo-colonialism agenda.
Nkrumah in alliance with Haile Selassie of Ethiopia in May 25, 1963 created the Organization of African Unity (OAU), with it headquarter at Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. The name of the organization was later changed to Africa union in 1999. However, this in many opinions, since the death of Muammar Gaddafi who was one of the African leaders who pushed for the AU redefinition has drifted away from the actual Agenda. One of these agenda was to unify Africa currency, and tie it to Africa’s natural resources, Gold to be specific,

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