Organization The Path To The Conscientization Of Africans
To be ill-informed and lack of self-awareness is the basis that forms the political choices we make.
As Africans, there is no way out than for us to organize, Politicize our minds, and awaken our consciences.
The lack of awareness of who we are, the “Anyhowism” character we choose over ideology, and Anger without the conscientization of our mind will either end us up being subjugated, render us voiceless like the Congolese, or lead us to Anarchy which is actually what many Nigerians still see as Revolution.
For those in Nigeria, If you understand what Revolution truly mean, ye all will join no other party than the AAC.
For those in South Africa, if you understand what Revolution truly mean, ye all will join no other party than the EFF, and so on… This is not to say we speak in affirmation of what the likes of these two parties stands for in Africa, but to point our direction to examples of political parties with a consistent ideology based on Pan-Africanism. Any Political party in Africa that is not centered around Welfarism and Socialism of African people, is a party already against our people. Any African leader that is more keen to foreign investment over local investment is against Africa’s development.
Pan-Africanism teaches us on the path to social-revolution, that, as a driving force in any Organization we may find ourselves, we must have a leader who is not just a Driver, but most importantly “THE” not “an”, The Enabler of the Pan-Africanism agenda. This aids us in the struggle to attain social-economic freedom, but the role we have to play as African people is to first, be a part or support an an organization founded on the basis of welfarism, and politicize our minds. This in return will help the re-awakening of our consciousness.
This ideology that should bring about the social-economic development of our continent, and people, must be well spelt out, written in Black and White for everyone involved to organically align with.
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