Black History

Prove Northern Africans Were Originally Blacks

Over the years, historians across the globe with scientific evidence have concluded with proof that the original settlers of Northern Africa were blacks and not Arabians like we have today.
Besides the obvious questions, why don’t today’s Egyptians have their Pharaohs or make the several artifacts, figurines, and ancient monuments crafted by the people of Kemet, Barbers, and Nubians?
The obvious fact that pyramid in Africa is not only in Egypt, but also we can find hundreds of Pyramids in Sudan, a country close to Egypt, separated by the Nile, a predominantly dominated black country, though broken into two now. The fact that Aksum, Abyssinia, now Ethiopia was an ally of Kemet now Egypt, both in business separated by the Nile River, alongside Burundi, Tanzania, Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya. etc, all black dominated countries who today can tell you historically the relationship they once shared with the Barbers Kemet and Nubians.
Furthermore to collaborate on this is the biblical fact, the story of the black man Simon from Cyrene who helped Jesus to carry the cross. Cyrene historically was the former name of Libya before the Ottoman empire now Turkey invasion which brought about the Islamization of Libya before European invasion, Italy who combined about 2 other smaller empires to Cyrene and named it Libya. This explains why Libya under Gadaffi aligns more with Africa, and pushed for its collective development compared to the rest of the Northern Arabia countries because he understood his originality and more reason these Arab African countries refused to stand by him.
This narration can be cross checked to help further clarify beyond hypothesis, or theories of historical narration as to who were the original settlers of countries in the Northern part of Africa.

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