Black History

The Khoisan – World Oldest People

The San or Khoisan people are believed to hold the oldest DNA in the world, spanning over 200,000 years. They have been scientifically proven to be the earliest genetic diversity genetics affirming that the Khoisan people also have the Eurasian DNA.
Sans were among the earliest people to have migrated out of Africa to Asia. This is why most of the Khoisan have slanted eyes and it is not only a phenotype among Asian people.
The San people also known as the Khwe or Basarwa people, are the oldest inhabitants of Southern Africa. Their home was the Kalahari Dèsert, which cut across Namibia, South Africa, Angola, and Botswana.
They have a unique culture, skilled in hunting, and are knowledgeable in many aspects. From their rock art, hùnting methods, sùrvival skills, knowledge of mèdicinal edible and toxic plants, music, dance, and beliefs.

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