Afro Nugget


What is the Law? 
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the Law: 
1. The body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities.
2. Any rule that must or should be obeyed, concerning behaviors and their consequences.
The Law of the Lynched and the Lyncher is an unwritten rule, open to the public that comes into play to pave the way for the oppressor, most times a state agent to get away with wrongs; never accuses the Lyncher but accuses the Lynched of violence for standing up for himself which is permitted in the actual law.
A law that discriminates is no law. A law that is in cahoots with the instigator, justifying the transgressors, and incarcerating the demonstrators is no law.
If meaningful laws applied to all with no bias or any form of immunity clause, there wouldn’t be a need for any amendment or additional laws. Today many are requesting for a Revolution, some constitutional review, others amendment of the law, all comes down to one thing, the people are tired of this tool that is used to bind them.
Laws must be Just, Justice for one must be Justice for all, Justice must be fair and JUST.
A case study of a bias law was during the South African apartheid, where laws were made based on race. The outcome of this was crisis, sorrow tears and blood, as the native South Africans frowned at the law imposed by the white minorities on their land to disregard them.
That it’s the law, does not make it right. it is ours to collectively as a people, request for a review, or amendment of the law as it applies in our day to day lives. More importantly is the law, whether rightly spelt out or not, must be applicable to all citizens with no exception of class, that way, what befalls person A based on his or her actions or inaction, is also applicable to person B.
It is morally right to frown at a bias law that empowers the Lyncher, and the hunger inflictor to enforce order, but disregard the Hungry man’s demand. A law that is meant to be JUST, instead the law accuses the victim, the Lynched of violence, and justifies the acts of the Lyncher.
The people must understand that we do not seek for Peace, what we seek is Justice, and there is no True Justice without True Liberation.

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