
Mali’s Army Takes Risky Operation to Retake Separatist Stronghold

The Malian army has launched a risky operation to take control of the Kidal region, the stronghold of the separatist rebellion. This is seen as a turning point after a decade of conflict. The operation involves a large convoy that left Gao on Monday, heading towards the localities of Tessalit and Aguelhok in the north of Kidal, with the aim of taking control of the United Nations mission camps (MINUSMA).

However, the departure of the UN mission and the handover of its camps to the junta could provoke a major confrontation with the separatists, who see them as a primary factor in the resumption of hostilities. The region of Kidal is strategically important for both the army and the separatists, with its location on the road to Algeria and its symbolic value for the Malian army.

Despite receiving military assistance from France, Europe, and Russia, the Malian army still lacks resources and is unable to fully control the country and contain the pressure from jihadists. On the other hand, the numbers and strength of the separatist groups are also difficult to determine. The lack of resources and organisation of the Malian army and the unity and temporary mobilisation of the separatist groups make the outcome of this operation uncertain.

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