
Kenyan Court Warns Prosecutors Over Detained Pastor & Others

Kenya’s court has warned prosecutors that it will release a pastor and 28 others accused of being behind the deaths of 429 people believed to be his cult followers if they aren’t charged within two weeks.

Prosecutors have been requesting permission to keep holding Paul Mackenzie and 28 others while they investigate the case, which shocked Kenyans with the discovery of mass graves and allegations of starvation and strangulation.

Shanzu Senior Principal Magistrate Yusuf Shikanda noted that the suspects had been detained for 117 days since the last application for an extension, enough time to complete investigations.

The defense has argued that the constitutional rights for bail for Mackenzie and the others were being violated since they haven’t been charged.

Mackenzie is serving a separate one-year prison sentence after being found guilty of operating a film studio and producing films without a valid license.

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