Ethopia's Flood

Ethopia’s Dasenech Flood Devastation: Thousands Homeless

A devastating flood in the south Omo region of Ethiopia, caused by the sudden rise of the Omo River, has left many residents homeless and in need of assistance.

The flood in Akodogol village of Dasenech district, caused by heavy rains in the highlands of south and southwest Ethiopia, has displaced 16,648 households, or 79,828 people, according to the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The flood has left 150 families in Delerele Kebele, Ethiopia, struggling to find shelter and basic necessities.

Hencok Ephrem, a senior emergency rapid response officer at the IRC, distributed non-food items to 150 households in need of support, funded by the European Union. The items include solar lights, blankets, washing basins, kitchen sets, laundry and hygiene soap, and dignity kits for women.

Also, the IRC staff have also been conducting hygiene promotion activities to prevent waterborne diseases. The community had suffered due to drought due to failed rainy seasons, and the flood has destroyed almost everything they have.

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