GMO foods mean Genetically Modified organism foods. This is produced as dairies, crops, plants, meats, fruits, etc. This means any food with GMOs, be it Plants, or Animals, has been genetically altered, and the DNA that describes the natural essence of that organism has been Bioengineered and rendered inorganic or artificial in layman’s terms.
What the consumption of this this food means, is that, any consumption of any food with GMO or any Organic food for that matter is ingesting into your system a food with an altered DNA, that way we will be consuming not the exact food but a synthetic modification of that food.

In 2022 there was a report that the UK & EU placed a restriction on GMO foods across Europe with an agreement that any food sold in any supermarket that was made with GMO must be labelled as such.
What is going on in Kenya is GM food has taken ownership of Kenyans farms, hence many Kenyans today need license to farm or rear livestock in their own land. Unlike EU where there are policies backed with strict restrictions limiting GMO flooding the EU markets, this policies with no restriction in Kenya has undermine the productivity of Organic foods, limited Agri-produce by Kenyans locals and increase Kenyans dependency on foreign or inorganic foods.

Nigeria seems to be the actual targeted market in Africa with mass GMO products considering the population.
Now more than ever Nigeria needs a true pro people’s leader. These old men in power got nothing to offer. Now more than ever we must reject or request for restrictions just like in the EU & UK on GMO produce in Nigeria. Our people have the right to know what they may be consuming.
GMO was officially commercialized to run Agri- produce in Nigeria in 2018. Early 2024, the Government has further approved of GMO to sell some crops in the commercial market. In my opinion, I do not think it is a coincident that we can no longer afford our own foods, crops and produce. The hypothetical idea could likely be for GMO to come in and save the day, with a cheaper food product that has been modified, a synthetic food that may hurt us in the long term. This same thing is ongoing in Kenya. How on earth do we want to encourage consuming inorganic over organic food in Africa THE HOME OF FOOD, THE MOST FERTILE LAND across the Globe?? GMO that has been publicly and legally restricted with policies in many European countries is what some Nigerians especially the Capitalist and Rulers want us to start consuming? Yes most of the policies of African Rulers may be disastrous, but we as African people also must not enable this systemic destruction.
If we may ask, are all these aid to Africa for nothing? What exactly is the Technological, and Medical mission of the world’s Billionaires in Africa?
Post colonial era, no single African country needed Aid from anyone, we were self sufficient, had our homes, grew our foods, could access our rivers and oceans anytime we want. No single African goes to bed hungry, varieties of food were available for consumption with no restrictions, food was surplus. You could pluck fruits from whatever tree in your street to eat. I mean this was how we grew up, which was even at the tail end of what we used to be.
Today, Africans are homeless, and can no longer access what used to be theirs anymore. The common issue with Africa is Leadership, zero pro people leaders in power. The bloodline of true African leaders who stood for our people have been cut-short, some went on exile, others carted as slaves.
During the Slave trade, the best of us were carted away like commodities, and after independence, the colonial masters left the rest of us in the hands of the worst of us. This is the root cause we need to collectively undo.
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Thus is revealing and people really need to be aware
This is revealing
This is revealing…
We need a pro-peope leader with a clear vision! It is only then these neo-colonialists can take their knees off our necks!