Humanitarian Emergency

Humanitarian Emergency in Republic of Congo

A humanitarian emergency has been declared in the Republic of Congo due to heavy rains that have been pouring for over a month.

The government has released an emergency fund of $4 million to provide aid to disaster victims and overcome the damage caused by flooding in several departments.

Civil society has welcomed the decision, but people on the ground are calling for action. Over 360 villages and 36 districts were flooded, affecting more than 320,000 people.

At least 17 people have died and 6 remain missing. Urban planners are concerned about the scale of the disaster and have called for collective responsibility.

Jean Felis Demba-Ntelo, an architect and former Minister of Public Works, warns that the scale of the disaster requires 10 times 20 times more resources and awareness of the people at risk.

People are doing their best to limit the risk of landslides, but the situation is more urgent than ever.

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