Jacob Zuma

Jacob Zuma Slams ANC, Commits to Backing New Political Party

Former President Jacob Zuma has announced his support for a new political formation in South Africa’s 2024 general election, the Umkhonto we Sizwe party. The party, named after the ANC’s military wing, was disbanded after the liberation struggle.

Zuma called on other South Africans to vote for the new formation, stating it would be “a betrayal” to vote for President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC. The ANC faces numerous challenges, including a potential less than 50% national vote in the upcoming election.

Zuma’s decision was described as part of rescuing the ANC. Zuma was ousted in 2018 amid corruption allegations in government and state-owned companies.

Since his departure, Zuma has been facing legal battles, including a 15-month prison sentence for defying a court order to appear before a commission of inquiry investigating corruption allegations against him and other high-profile politicians.

The ANC faces fierce competition from opposition parties, but smaller parties and independent candidates could be crucial in coalition negotiations.

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