Sarah Baartman: The Exploitation Of The Body Of A Black Woman – JADESOLA OMOTADE
This is the story of Sarah Baartman, a beautifully endowed African woman from Southern Africa who was sold into slavery at the age of 16. Her body especially her buttocks was used as a source of entertainment for Europeans at several exhibition shows in Paris and London. She was exhibited in human zoos alongside animals throughout Britain, Ireland, and Belgium.
In March 1815, Sarah was examined by a commission of zoologists and psychologists. This was when the naked painting of her was drawn. Her body was not paraded for free, no!Her masters made sure European spectators paid handsomely before she paraded and for a higher price the richer ones could touch her buttocks. As expected she was laughed at, poked, ridiculed, sexualized and objectified.
But how did Sarah go from an innocent teenage girl from Khoisan village in South Africa to an international sensation of objectification by the white. The European ridiculed Sarah Baartman’s for the same body and back side women all over the world are paying to have This is the story of how Sarah Baartman’s body went from a symbol of exploitation to a source of inspiration to black women.
Celebrities like Beyoncé has recognized Sarah Baartman contribution to the ideal black woman body. Even though Sarah Baartman’s life was the height of exploitation, sexism, racism and degradation, her legacy has impacted on the 21st century representation and construction of a black woman. Her life has also revealed how heavily dependent the Colonialists has also been on blacks for their financial provision.