
Tensions Escalate Between Rwanda and Burundi

Rwandan authorities have accused Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye of making “inflammatory allegations” to sow division among Rwandans, escalating tensions between the two countries.

The deteriorating relations have been fueled by Ndayishimiye’s recent accusations that Rwanda is financing and training the RED-Tabara group rebels, which they consider a terrorist movement. The group has been accused of a series of attacks in Burundi since 2015.

Ndayishimiye spoke about Rwandan youth in “captivity” at a youth conference in Kinshasa, urging the region to continue fighting until the Rwandan people put pressure on themselves.

Rwandan authorities described Ndayishimiye’s remarks as “inflammatory,” stating that calls for an uprising against the government undermine Rwanda’s unity and threaten regional security.

Burundi closed all crossing points with Rwanda earlier this month and began expelling Rwandan citizens, claiming it was reacting to Rwanda’s alleged support for RED-Tabara. Both Rwanda and Burundi are members of the East African Community, whose trade ambitions have suffered from sporadic conflicts that undermine the free movement of people and goods.

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