Black History


To reference a brief on the creation of Nigeria as a business entity, NIGERIA WAS CREATED AS A BUSINESS ENTITY
To further elaborate on why our challenges in Africa on the matters of development are unique compared to the rest of the world.
Nigeria, and many other African countries unlike China, India, Singapore, and the likes of other former third-world countries across different continents, in which cases were only records of colonization and not direct enslavement of the native people by those from different continents, were enslaved, died in their millions in the Ocean, mines, and fields.
In the case of Nigeria, and some other African countries, the best of our people were carted away, shipped to a strange land, and sold for labour, and pleasure. Africa experienced a phase where the best of Africans were taken out of Africa, leaving the Worst of Africans in charge of the rest of Africans.
In a case peculiar to Nigeria, in 1925, barely 7 years after World War 1, Nigeria was put up for bidding in Wembley London. Try to understand the intrigues here: in January 1914, 6 months before the World War, Nigeria was formed, this was what put an end to what was formerly called, The Royal Niger Company. The newest Colony Nigeria, championed the war from West Africa as the West Africa Frontier Force, created by the British to manage the military affairs in West Africa on behalf of the British. We were bided for like commodities by those we welcomed to our homes regardless of the difference in their appearances, showed them love and hospitality but that was seen as a weakness and used against us. This here was how we existed and the effect of this is today our current reality. No country or continent was placed on bidding, shared goods like countries in Africa.
After World War 1, the need to strengthen the Royal West African Frontier Force came into play, this time Nigeria had been Amalgamated (January 1st, 1914). Nigeria had the highest number of Battalion across Africa. Even Egypt and some parts of Northern Africa that the same military formation was created by the Brits and France, could not stand the might of the RWAFF(Nigeria alone). It was during World War 2, the likes of Obasanjo were recruited into the Royal Army where he became a commando fighting for the British. What I would like us to note is, that the Benin Empire was an issue for the Brits. For easy dominance and control in the Southern region of Nigeria, they had to conquer the Great Benin Empire, an Empire that had been in business with them for decades. After months of war, the great empire fell into the hands of the Brits, as the British had more modernize weapons, guns, and Bombs, unlike African warriors, and rendered the Benin warriors powerless as their king went into exile.
Less than 4 years after the Benin expedition, the British set up a new military might to weaken the thought of insurrection from other parts of Southern Nigeria that may intend to fight back. THE BENIN EXPEDITION & STRUGGLE FOR REPATRIATION
We are not like those who not only colonized us but enslaved us in the most cruel form. We are better, we have always been better.
The histories out there and the ones you read here about our true narrative as Motherland people, is not to provoke us towards retaliation but to seek repatriation. It is not to provoke us to hate, but to show the world how to LOVE one another, and for us to apply the needed Exergy towards organizing ourselves, building our homes and defending our own.

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