Black History

The True Egyptians Are Not Arabs But Africans

Should in case you still doubt this, the true indigenous people of Northern Africa are not Arabs, but Africans! Without Ethiopia, the kingdom of Kush, and some historical part of Rome that kept the history it once had with Egypt, it would have been much more difficult for historians, Geologists, and Archaeologists to prove who the original Egyptians were with facts today. In Southern Egypt today, you can find some of the indigenous Egyptians, or better still their lineage.
The oldest Man-made Monument in London is the Cleopatra Obelisk needle. This Monument, which was created by the then people of Kemet, in today’s Egypt in the 12BC, is one of many in Egypt just like the Great Pyramids reported to have been transported out of Egypt to London as a gift in the 19th century an era the British invaded Egypt, and further colonized Egyptians.
Speaking of Cleopatra, there has been a lot of argument online about where she came from, while the basis of argument of some is about her skin colour, trying to link her to be Europeans trying to link her origin to Greece, while the Arab claims she’s from them. One thing for a fact is that we can not overturn the truth, fact may vary from age to age, but the truth will forever remain the same. Based on same fact, it was in 1952 women were first recognize in Greek, and given a right to vote. How then can any lady from Greek in the 60BC come over to rule a country? A similar question to the Arabians who conquered Egypt centuries after Cleopatra had passed, how is Cleopatra then an Arabian?
Furthermore, why do we think Romans at the time spoke against Julius Ceaser’s intention to marry Cleopatra? Some said it is because Romans do not marry foreigners. But it is on record, some Roman empires who got married to foreigners, example is Theodosius II, emperor in the eastern section of the Roman Empire married a woman named Athenais from Greek, so why is Cleopatra’s case different?
A simple answer to this is Cleopatra was a BLACK WOMAN. We know for a fact and truth that in all the continents in the world, it is only in Africa women Ruled as Kings and Queens, and on this basis, is the reason why Cleopatra was the Ruler of Egypt in her time.
We have asked an honest question to the Arab invaders of Kemet, why can’t they create new monuments just like the Kemet did since they claim to be the Indigenous people of Egypt, knowing historically well what “Kemet” means, the “black land“.  According to Marcus Garvey, a people with no history are like a tree with no root.

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