Uganda: Court hears challenge to anti-gay law

Uganda: Court to Hear Challenge on Anti-Gay Law

Uganda’s constitutional court is hearing the first challenge to an anti-gay law that has sparked criticism from the United Nations and led to US visa restrictions on government officials.

The law, which makes “aggravated homosexuality” a capital offence and imposes penalties for consensual same-sex relations of up to life in prison, has been criticised by the US, the European Union, and UN chief Antonio Guterres.

Meanwhile, the US has also announced plans to remove Uganda from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade pact in January 2024. The law has gained broad support in Uganda, where lawmakers defend it as a necessary bulwark against Western immorality.

Also, the World Bank suspended new loans to Uganda over the law, which “fundamentally contradicts” the values espoused by the US-based lender.

In 2014, international donors slashed aid to Uganda after Museveni approved a bill that sought to impose life imprisonment for homosexual relations, which was later overturned.

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