President Bazoum

Uncertain Future: President Bazoum After 80 Days in Detention

Niger’s President Mohamed Bazoum, who was ousted in a coup on July 26, is currently being held in detention along with his wife and son. Despite numerous calls for his release, the ruling military regime remains firm in their decision. Bazoum has been experiencing hardships, with no access to electricity and intermittent access to water. However, he does receive fresh food supplies every other day and regular visits from his doctor. He has labeled himself as a “hostage” and has described his family’s treatment as “inhumane and cruel,” according to NGO Human Rights Watch.

On September 18, Bazoum made the decision to take his case to the West African courts, seeking his release and the reinstatement of constitutional order in Niger. The Ecowas Court of Justice has scheduled a hearing, and a group of lawyers, authorized by one of Bazoum’s daughters, have expressed their intention to file a complaint against the military regime in Niamey.

The coup d’état was strongly condemned by Niger’s Western allies, including France and the United States, as well as the United Nations, which voiced support for Bazoum and demanded his immediate release. ECOWAS even threatened armed intervention against Niger, although this measure has yet to be implemented. France, one of Bazoum’s staunchest supporters, has begun withdrawing its troops from the anti-jihadist campaign and has recalled its ambassador from Niamey back to Paris.

It is worth noting that Mohamed Bazoum is the fifth president of Niger to be overthrown in a coup since the country gained independence from France in 1960.

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