Afro NuggetBlack History

Why Africa’s True Narrative May Never Be Heard Until…

Understand the twist: If pink is said to be feminine, what is the masculine color like? Who established this? Why Pink of all colors? Think about it… I mean who attributed Black to be Evil and White Good? Who made Black the Devil, and White the Angel, who racialized humans based on their skin colors when in fact all humans have the same color of blood? Who brought about the gender inequality relating this to two planetary bodies, Venus and Mars for females and males respectfully, and was worldly accepted?
Have you heard the story of Mansa Musa, a grandson of the wealthy founder of the Mali empire Sundiata Keita?
The famous Mansa Musa whose full name was Mansa Kanku Musa Keita, with Mansa has the title, who we were told he bankrupted Egypt, or better illustrated has causing a recession in Egypt due to his mass amount of Gold that he shared to the people of Egypt while passing thru Egypt. Many praised him, but I call him a reckless Wannabe. Have you ever wondered what could be his motive for this, where he was indeed headed to have squandered the great empire of Mali’s wealth recklessly?
The Visionless Mansa Musa’s ultimate goal was to be accepted more among the rulers in the Islamic world, to be more Arabian that the Arabs themselves, recognized by the Arabs, and he thought he could achieve this with a show-off of the wealth of the wealth of his people and Empire which he never worked for but inherited a Mansa from the Keita dynasty. Yes, he got the attention of he wanted, but after he had squandered Malians wealth on fame and Arabian recognition, a whole king of the great empire of Mali, knelt down all his life before the king of Saudi Arabia and still was not dealt with as to be more Arabian than the Arabs themselves. Due to his bad leadership, The Malian empire went into recession, and shortly after his death, the Empire crushed, the great Timbuktu, where the world first university was, lost its glory, and till this day still hoping to be returned back to.
One lesson one must learn from this is as African people, we cannot be more Christians than the Christians, and cannot be more Islamic than the Arabians, and cannot be more Buddhist than the Buddhists These are all foreign cultures, that has today become religion to we motherland people.
A part of the story that was not clearly told was, in the 14th century, in the time of the great Empire of Mali, the famous king Mansa Musa had an elder brother, who was the then King before Musa, whose name is Mansa Sulayman Abubakar.  Mansa Abubakar Sulayman had a vision to explore the world, he believed there are other humans outside our shores, he was the first man who sent a voyage, fleets of Ships outside of Africa, then known as Alkebulan, also said to be the man who first discovered America.
He sent hundreds of of Ships to discover the world headed to the Northern part of the West Atlantic, only one or so Ship(s) returned on the first trip after almost a decade journey. Those who returned, narrated their findings, with stories that there are other people outside of our shores. Historically, those documented to have been found were the then Ameridians, the indigenous people of America. Mansa Abubakar became more interested regardless of the hundreds of Ships he had lost in the initial voyage. This time he chose to go with them, taken with him hundreds of ships, and that was the end of his journey as he never returned.
It was after this, his  junior brother Mansa Musa, the reckless spender became king. Now think about this: How come a visionless, reckless spender like Mansa Musa his well known, captured in African history, while a visionary King, Mansa Abubakar name has been silenced in the actual history? This is so because those in control of the world’s affairs, the powers that be are the ones who decides the narrative they want every other persons to hear.
Until we fix our homes and set a standard in it, every visitors, dick and Harry will treat us and our homes the way they met it.
Until AFRICAN LEADERS engages in self development of Africa, until African leaders unites exercise development first across Africa and investment later, it will be difficult for our true narrative as motherland people to be heard. Until African leaders are willing to serve Africans diligently, patriotically, putting Africans first, and giving priority to African people, we will never be taken serious among committee of nations globally.

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