
Rwanda: Ampersand’s Eco-Friendly Electric Motorbikes

Rwandan startup Ampersand is aiming to become a beacon for eco-friendly initiatives in the east-African country. The company plans to roll out 600,000 electric motorbikes in Kigali, Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala, Uganda, with the primary launch site in Kigali.

The company has invested heavily in development, software, and batteries to ensure a shift to electric bikes in the coming years. Also, the transport sector is responsible for a large proportion of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which trap the sun’s heat, leading to rising temperatures. Ampersand aims to make a positive contribution by saving 2.5 tonnes of greenhouse emissions per day, with each bike saving equivalent to 12 million tonnes per year.

Feliix Nishimiye, who owns one of Ampersand’s electric motorcycles, says it has saved him money by using them for almost three years. With a successful four-year track record, the company’s motorcycles have traveled 180 million kilometers in Rwanda and avoided 8,000 tons of carbon emissions.

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