
Expulsion of African Migrants from Sfax, Tunisia Centre

Hundreds of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa were forcibly evicted by Tunisian security forces from a square in Sfax (central-eastern Tunisia), an NGO revealed on Sunday. The harrowing event occurred after the beginning of July saw many of these individuals lose their homes and jobs following a speech by President Kais Saied about illegal immigration.

Since Saturday, a massive security campaign against illegal immigrants has been running, culminating in the arrest of nearly 200 sub-Saharan migrants “preparing to make an illegal crossing” to European shores.

The tragedy continues for these migrants- after hundreds faced expulsion from Sfax during July, the security forces dispersed them in small groups to rural areas and other towns. Moreover, the fee of desperation was heightened at a desert border area between Libya and Tunisia, where at least 27 migrants have died and a further 73 have gone missing.

It remains to be seen what the outcome of the situation will be, but this tale is one of desperation, sadness and unfairness that these individuals have been subjected to simply for migrating to a new land.

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